Friday, June 29, 2007

doing the Happy Dance-- its Friday!

My crop was cancelled tonight, so I am getting some things done. I picked up Jake's contacts, and got home before 8pm. What a great nite. Mike leaves for Texas around 3am. He is going to see his mom in Austin. She moved last year and this is a good time for him to go see her. We get a fun little weekend alone. Its great having the kids around. The house is more alive. I love summer.

I was thinking today about what a nice week this is.. I like the 4th of July for the fact we live in such a wonderful country, but also because we get together as a family. I love when we are altogether for dinner. My dad is a big kid on the 4th. He and Jake spend the day scaring every
animal in the neighborhood with their illegal mortors and bottle rockets. My mom brings out her wonderful potato salad, and dad grills up some burgers and dogs.

My good pal Becky has a new blog I have to recommend, she has some of the cutest kids on this planet.... check out


Becky said...

Well, thank you for the shout-out. It is still a work in progress...but I am having so much fun. Thanks for getting me hooked.. ;)