Sunday, September 23, 2007


How does one thank people for all their help and dedication. Tami and Cori are my rockstars! They are always on the spot. Tami designed an amazing fair booth for the Nez Perce Fair. She took time off of her real job to help us. She often is found merchandising in the store on Friday afternoons nad coming up with amazing samples/classes for us. She always has a smile, and a quirky comment. She is the one whom I can run something by and she'll tell you what she really thinks. That is invaluable to me as a first time business owner.

Cori is our cheerleader. She is loving, kind and always available to lend a helping hand. She is sweet and someone I turn too often for comfort and friendship. She too has amazing ideas running thru her head and rally's friends to our store often.

These girls amaze me. They are devoted to scrapbooking and preserving memories. They love to get creative and bless others with their designs. I have no clue what I would do without them. Thank you Tami and Cori..... I love you more than you know and thanks again for loving me and the store.