Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What do you want for Christmas?

If you are like me, a few times a day you are thinking about Christmas. We get caught up in the lights and music... but also in what are we going to buy for who. This is tricky for me. I have an amazing family, small, loving, kind and caring, but impossible to buy for. I have one brother and he brought this cool girl Kari into our lives a few years ago,but they live in Minnesots, (don't ask me why, I am sure there are no good reasons. HA) but they don't have children, just a couple of great dogs, so they are accostomed to purchasing what they want when they want it. Thats not a bad thing, but they if its a need, they are able to acquire things. My folks are at that place where if they want something they too get it. Then there are my children, 15 and 16 fun ages but also can be difficult to not just buy more gadgets or electronics or clothes... Being a somewhat creative person I love to make things and have a list of items I think would make great gifts, but is anyone else going to think so? I just don't know.

We have secret santas at work and its fun to see what is being left on people's desks. So far I have rec'd a tin of amazing homemade brownies, a mug and a little snowman light. I have given a pail all blinged out with candy, and a primitive wood sign. Its been fun thinking of what someone would really enjoy. I think I am more about the hunt and the gift then anything. I love the packaging and really searching for something special. Its not about cost or keeping things fair its about that person and what makes them tick.

I would like nothing more than to give these gifts to those that I love:

-A pain free day for my mom, relaxing, no headache and no pain
-A time where dad just sits and enjoys not worrying that his heart is goin to give out
-A day for Mike where his mind can rest and not have to calculate, and think, compare or worry
-A fun, whimsy time for Savannah full of books and people who are big thinkers who want to talk and think and breathe, and dance and sing
-A day of understanding for Jacob of why people do the things they do and how things work
-More creative time for Cori and Tami, Kristi W and Erin, where their kids and hubbys are content so that they can create care and stress free
-A time of no worry for Becky and no lists
-for Jamie, fun times with her kids and once again with Blitz one last time
-A long family dinner for Jay and Kari about dreams and ambitions
-Land for my church to build a bigger building and enough seats
-a healed free body for Cindy Holben and her family, with no more cancer
-a cancer free liver for Cheryl N
-and for me, peace and rest to enjoy this full and great life that I live. A day to just be ME

my list looks more like this:
socks for jake
jeans for mike
books for Savannah
fun homemade gifts for mom and the girls
and so on....

how do I make the first list more real?


Becky said...

sounds like a pretty good list to me...

shauna said...

What a wonderful list. I hope they all have a chance to read this because it really is the thought that counts!

erin said...

Thanks for all the comments. That list shows how selfless you really are. I need lessons!