Friday, July 25, 2008

SECRET SALE... don't tell the Queen!

Okay, some of you know I have had less than a wonderful week.
In honor of not wanting to hang out all alone tomorow I am having a sale
All Solid cardstock is 15% off
All wood products 15% off
and all PET paper and embellies are 15% off
If you stop by and show me a new project you're working on, or just completed this summer you get 10% your total purchase
If you bring me a diet coke or a homemade treat tomorrow you will get your name on your receipt in a drawing for a prize. WOW now thats what I call bribery!!!


Aunt Jan said...

Oh Kristy.. I would love to come Saturday to visit & take advantage of your awesome sale's!!! But of course we'll be up river fishing..but I'll think of you as Chance and I play in the water.. tee, he.. talk soon.. Aunt Jan

MrsD said...

(((He's on the list for orientation on 7/31 but has not been officially hired.)))

Dawn said...

oooh, sorry I missed it!!!

1funmommy said...

Man! I missed it! I wouldn't mind picking up another cleaning job. Let me know some more info.